Tag Archives: oktoberfest

It’s Officially Fall!!


I don’t know about you, but to me – one of the signs of Fall is Paulaner Oktoberfest!  I know I’ve posted about this beer before  – but it’s such a classic, it deserves many posts and many cap pictures!

A malty smoothness that many have tried to duplicate, but few (if any) have cloned, Paulner is the Oktoberfest to top all Oktoberfests.  I mean, the Germans had to be doing something right when they created a beer with flavor that you can actually stand drinking liters of!

Zicke, zacke, zicke, zacke, hoi, hoi, hoi!


This weekend we celebrated Oktoberfest at The Capital Ale House in Richmond. They closed off some streets downtown in front of the restaurant, got some great beer trucks, and had a party. We have attended The Capital Ale House’s Oktoberfest Events for the past 9 years, and this was probably the best organized yet. Having delicious Paulaner and Spaten on tap – as well as Yager and Goldschlager shots, made for a day of celebration!

The pretty lady in this picture is a dear friend of our family. With both Irish and German heritage, she knows good food and good beer! She also embodies what these celebrations are all about – having fun!

If you’re looking for a good Oktoberfest style beer, which it’s the perfect time for right now, try Paulaner – as it’s the original!

Sammy’s Oktoberfest


On hot, sticky, disgustingly humid days like today, I long for Fall!  Oh how Fall weather and everything it brings (yummy beer) would be so nice right now.

I think I’ve probably posted about Samuel Adams Oktoberfest before, but I found this cap and it made me long for its malty goodness!  Yes, it’s too hot for Oktoberfest right now, but as soon as the end of August arrives, we start scouring the shelves for this orange box of goodness  If you haven’t had a Sam’s Oktoberfest, it can be described as malty, spicy and all around delicious; sort of an embodiment of Fall!

Oh, and don’t worry – that lemon is just for decoration and while I love it in water, would never tarnish a delicious beer with adding lemon.

Fall… hurry up!


Spaten – Enjoy it on tap if you can!

Spaten Brewery in Munich makes one of the “original” delicious Oktoberfest beers.  At first glance, you’ll think – this can’t possibly taste like a bold, malty Oktoberfest – but believe me, looks are deceiving.   This light colored brew packs a full mouth feel and rich malt flavors that assure you – it’s a beer worth a celebration.

Just a note of warning, Spaten comes in green glass bottles, which most beer lovers know can cause some “skunk factor”.  I’ve had a few bottles that were totally skunked, and had it been my first time trying the beer I probably wouldn’t have tried it again.  Get Spaten Oktoberfest on tap if you can, because it really is a wonderful concoction!

This Litre’s for you…

Oktoberfest is a sacred holiday in our household and Paulaner Oktoberfest is one of my all time favorite beers!  Malty, delicious but light enough that you can drink a litre/liter at a time – it’s certainly a beer type that deserves its whole month of celebration.  Marzens are yummy too, and believe it or not  – are actually just young Oktoberfest style beers.  Waiting until the fall for this delicious style of beer sucks, but having an Oktoberfest that’s as high quality as Paulaner makes it worth the wait!  Prost!