Category Archives: German beer

It’s Officially Fall!!


I don’t know about you, but to me – one of the signs of Fall is Paulaner Oktoberfest!  I know I’ve posted about this beer before  – but it’s such a classic, it deserves many posts and many cap pictures!

A malty smoothness that many have tried to duplicate, but few (if any) have cloned, Paulner is the Oktoberfest to top all Oktoberfests.  I mean, the Germans had to be doing something right when they created a beer with flavor that you can actually stand drinking liters of!

Zicke, zacke, zicke, zacke, hoi, hoi, hoi!

The Queen of all Hefeweizens

It’s that season again – so bring out the wheat beers!  Paulaner Hefeweizen is a classic German Wheat beer and in my opinion, is the beer that should be used to judge all other German Wheat Style beers!  Some ridiculous bartenders serve this delicious beer with oranges  – yes, I just heard you gasp and I agree!  Paulaner Hefeweizen needs no fruit to enhance it’s banana and clove goodness – it’s rich all on it’s own.  My husband tells me that the spicy clove and banana flavors actually come from the type of yeast that’s used in its brewing.

While it’s so very tasty, I must warn you – it’s like bread in a glass:  very filling!  So – skip dinner and drink a few of these on the deck instead one summer night!  Cheers!

Festie – An Average Amber

When out and about today, at my local grocer, I saw a six pack from Star Hill Brewery that I hadn’t tried – The Festie.  I was eager to taste it, especially since they mention on their website that it’s similar to an Oktoberfest (and you probably know by now that I do love the Oktoberfest).

While I think the flavor comes off slightly malty and tastes like a decent Amber Lager – it was sort of anti-climatic.  It tasted slightly under carbonated, and it didn’t have a strong malty finish like I was hoping for.  I certainly wouldn’t liken it to an Oktoberfest – sheesh, as if!

All in all, it’s not a bad beer by any means, I think they just overshot by mentioning that it was “a tribute to the great German Lager…”, as I believe it fell a little flat.  It’s kinda like when Madonna sang “American Pie”… you get the picture!