Tag Archives: belgian yeast


I love supporting local beer brewers… and they’ve really been popping up everywhere here in Virginia lately!

Okay… so I realize that Devil’s Backbone has been around for a few years, but I swear it seems like they just came out of nowhere!  I see a Virginia Beer display in almost every grocery store these days, and Devil’s Backbone always has a couple of different styles to choose from.

I tried their “Belgian Congo Pale Ale” and found it rather tasty!  No only do I love Pale Ales, I adore Belgian Yeast – as it makes things a little more “fruity” and “bubbly”.  The combination of hops along with the distinctive Belgian taste makes this a yummy brew – put it on your “must try” list.

Make sure to keep supporting your local beer brewers; They make some amazing stuff!

Dogfish – Again, but Different!

Yes, I know, I’ve posted a Dogfish Head Brewery Cap before – but, this is from a different beer!  We have many caps, but some of them are from the same breweries… what can we say – when a brewery has one good beer, they normally have several that follow!

The last time I posted a Dogfish Head cap, I talked about the Palo Santo Marron <swoon>, but with this cap I will talk about another favorite of mine – the Raison D’Etre.  The Raison D’Etre is a rich Brown Ale that is actually brewed with raisins and beet sugar.  You can totally taste the raisin flavors, which meld well inside a brown ale.  This particular brown is also brewed with a Belgian style yeast (can you say “yum”?) which gives it a unique flavor and bubbly head.

Dogfish is one of my favorite breweries, brewing so many different styles of beer that are all complex and tasty.  Don’t be surprised if you see another cap from them in my blog soon!  Cheers!